Wishful Wednesdays – Celebrate You!(Poem)

Image: theusbport.com

“Having a low opinion of yourself is not ‘modesty’, it’s self-destruction.  Holding your uniqueness in high regard is not egotism, it’s a necessary pre-condition to happiness & success” ― Bobbe Sommer

So, my wish for you today is…. A healthy view of YOU

A Healthy View…

Not focusing on all of your flaws & shorts…& what you CAN’T do

Yeah…you’re not perfect, but guess what? The rest of us aren’t TOO….

So, don’t be so hard on yourself, don’t give up when facing doubt….

Whatever your dreams & goals are…you are capable of carrying them out,

You can do this!

The special sauce you need, is already stirring inside you. 

Embrace the wonder & greatness that only you can do…

So, go ahead & celebrate,

Celebrate…YOU! ©J.L.Hunt

This year, it’s time to be your BEST YOU!  Now, take a Selfie! 😉

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