Hi, Neighbor!

Daily writing prompt
What makes a good neighbor?
Photo by ign.com

How would you describe a good neighbor? Ok, lets explore a few simple things that should help keep the harmony in any neighborhood!

Be Considerate: Keep your lawn cut, your house exterior in order, and your pets in line…etc

Respect Other’s Boundaries: Don’t invite yourself over. (Unless you think something’s off, or something’s wrong) Don’t park in/or in front of someone else’s driveway, or parking spot. And please don’t take, or “borrow” someone’s newspaper, or magazine. (Yes, some people still read newspapers! Lol!)

Be Friendly: SMILE! There’s no harm in saying, “Good Morning”, or…”How’s it going?” Even a simple head nod, or hand wave would suffice.

Growing up, I just loved watching the TV program, Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. (I’m telling my age now…LoL) I just recently came across a repost of one of his famous speeches reminding humankind to show compassion to one another, which most Definitely still applies today…MORE than ever! I’m sure most would agree that he was an excellent example of showing how to be a great neighbor!

October Greeting…

Image: mumsinvited.com

Focus on Who You Are, not who you aren’t.

Many things will happen, but they don’t DEFINE YOU.

The world is Big Enough for everyone to shine.

Strive for Progress…NOT perfection.

Flowers Need Time to Bloom…….So do YOU!

Poem found on OurmindfulLife.com