Real Neat Blogger Award

Hello everyone.  How’s your day going? I hope everything is going your way 🙂  Well, I have some news to share.  I was nominated for the Real Neat Blogger Award. 🙂  Now, I actually took a short break from accepting a few awards, but this one has very simple rules, & I’m in a good mood, so decided to participate.

I’d like to thank first of all, for nominating me. Their blog is really awesome…very inspiring, so please do check it out.

RULES are as follows:

Post the award logo on your blog

Thank the person who nominated you

Answer questions asked by the nominator

Nominate however many blogs you choose (sweet!)

Notify nominees (On their blog comments)

My Questions:

Which is your favorite game?   Hmm…Hard to answer per so many various types. Uno for card games, & Monopoly for board games.  I also like a variety of video games…like car racing & games that involve time management (eg: The ‘Emily’s Delicious’ Series is my Fav! )

Which is your favorite brand?  Depends on what type of item…For clothing in general, shockingly I don’t really have one!  Not all into that…I just like affordable, stylish stuff…it doesn’t matter what brand it is.  But, for jeans…I do like “Levi’s” though 🙂

What are you are crazy about?   God!  Being creative, Beautiful scenery, Eating delicious foods, Decorating & Being Fierce!  Oh, yeah…& my family too (lol)

Favorite pastime?  Writing & Shopping , Watching movies/TV

Your ideal…..   net worth would be over 25 million! 😉

Favorite country you’d love to visit…    Aruba or the Bahamas


My Nominees
FYI:  (Feel free to ask your own new questions for next nominees on your post)
You are under no obligation to participate…can just simply thank person that nominated you.
Congrats to all the nominees! Until next time, “Toodles!”

14 thoughts on “Real Neat Blogger Award

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